
Il The Salumificio F.lli Guerriero rapresents a quietly recent reality. It arises from the need to expand an existing artisanal production of traditional cured meats, given the success found in customers over the years. With the birth of the salumificio, the company has increased both the range of products offered to its customers and its production capacity.

Quality and Heritage

The great advantage of the salumificio is to have at its disposal fresh and first choice raw materials without any transport, since the factory is directly connected with the butchery built years before. The plants and machinery used at the production level are of absolute excellence and cutting edge from a technological point of view without losing its tradition. The products are appreciated in various national and international markets, both for their wide range and for their goodness, managing to satisfy even the most demanding customers.

Raw Materials

Procurement has always been considered a business priority. The attention in the selection of pigs and breeders was in fact one of the weapons that launched the company, making it stand out at national level. The fixed point is the uniformity of the purchased pigs that allows, together with the homogeneity of the genetics and of the alimentary regimes, a continuity and constancy in the offered product. The proximity of the farms has many advantages: the limited duration of transport, which involves a reduced stress of the animals, and the possibility to periodically check the conditions and the weight of the purchased pigs. The average slaughtered weight is higher than the national average as it is our belief that a heavier animal with more months of life can offer better meat and consequently a better quality to our customers.


To produce quality cured meats, the company is based on long lasting principles:

  • Freshness of the meat used, being the salumificio connected inside the slaughterhouse. This represents a significant added value, just think of the importance of maintaining the cold chain (keeping meat at controlled and stable temperatures).
  • Traditional techniques are used in the production, draining, drying and seasoning with the use of technologically advanced equipment and machinery, able to offer a constant control of the products in all phases.
  • Respect of drying and maturing times, in order to give the cured meats time for optimal maturation.

In the F.lli Guerriero butchery space is given to innovation, with the creation of new products, to give the possibility of a greater choice to customers.


In recent times the market trend is to look for long-seasoned products. This process requires ample space for it to be carried out at its best. In our company we have large cells optimally structured for the seasoning of multiple products, respecting all the time necessary to obtain a taste and optimal quality. The geographical location is that of the consortium of Veneto Dop ham, so the climatic conditions are optimal to achieve excellent results with dry, sweet and traditional fragrances.


While products and raw materials have remained tied to tradition over time, packaging is in a big phase of evolution. We want the consumer to feel the value of our offer from the first impact he has with our packaging. The quality can be perceived both by the new designs and by the quality of the packaging, which perfectly maintains the product in an environment suitable for its optimal conservation, obtained thanks to the numerous investments in packaging machinery. We supply three types of packages in various sizes: vacuum, atp protective and micro-perforated.

Sliced Products

In order to increase its production capacity in 2021, the Guerriero family decided to create a new clean room with an airflow of 6000mc/h, for the slicing of Amor Veneto products, aware that the products pre sliced are for the consumer of simpler use and assimilation, in a reality that sees increasingly smaller families and time to devote to the kitchen always lower.